Submission guidelines for oral or poster presentations and for symposiums

Abstracts should only be submitted online.
The deadline for abstract submission is 15th of May, 2013 9th of June, 2013.
There is a limit of two contributed submissions per registered author.

Αbstracts may be submitted in English and Greek.
Presentations are requested to be in English, although presentations in Greek will be permitted.
Abstracts may not be longer than 400 words.
Authors should indicate their presentation preference: oral or poster. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to decide on the final allocation and presentation method.
Panel propositions are submitted directly to the Conference Secretariat ( Each symposium includes three (3) individual papers. An introductory text of 300 – 400 words is required along with the abstracts of the three individual papers.
After submitting your abstract, your will receive an email with your abstract id.

If you encounter any problem during the submission process or you do not receive any confirmation by e-mail, please, contact the Conference Secretariat:
The notification of acceptance/rejection of the abstracts submitted will be sent to you via e-mail by July 10th, 2013.